Rolex's logo is a crown, which is the first of rolex uk the imperial crown of glory is a five fingers outstretched hand, meaning that the Rolex table is completely refined by hand. Today, it represents the status of Rolex in the watch industry. Because Rolex has been committed to the promotion of the softball market, so its brand image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of swiss replica watches the people. In the international market, the price of an ordinary Rolex watches ranging from $1000 to $15000. Although the price is not cheap, but people still think that value for money, in addition to its excellent quality, but also because of its unique investment value. The value of uk replica watches the Rolex Gu Dongbiao strong, 1950s production of the steel shell Rolex, at that time is the most common one, the price of less than $300, now the value soared to $1200. In 2002, an auction to be held in Geneva, one of the last Vietnamese emperor Bao Dai wore 1952 Rolex calendar gold watch to 342 thousand Swiss francs (about $235 thousand and 400 at the time) sold price.